In October 2017, Utama Dental Team in Kuala Lumpur was greeted by a young lady seeking advice on aesthetic improvements of her teeth.
During her consultation with our Dental Surgeons , it became apparent that this patient was quite clear in her expectations. Her intentions were to correct the alignment of her teeth, improve the shape and size of her teeth for a more feminine appearance, and a bright “Hollywood Smile” while still looking natural.
A thorough examination of her dentition and periodontium was charted, a panoramic Xray was prescribed and all preliminary investigations such as Vitality responses and occlusion assessments were conducted. Treatments options were narrated to this patient quite systematically. Patient was not interested in any orthodontic options as she used to wear braces as a young adult and was not keen in any retreatment, or any invasive surgical procedures such as gum contouring. Emphasis was given to the most conservative approach with the best possible aesthetic outcome.
Patient eventually opted for Porcelain Veneers and full Porcelain Crowns for her previously Root Canal treated teeth.
Following which, preoperative records like Photographs and Impressions were taken.
To ensure a predictable treatment outcome, a Mock Up was prepared with patient’s impressions. The trial smile was tested on patient, and time given to allow for patient to get accustomed to the new smile and for her to comment on any changes deemed necessary.
It is after patient was satisfied with these preceding steps that dental work on patient commenced.
On the subsequent visit, the fixed prosthesis was tried first with temporary cementation to allow for patient feedback including shade or staining preferences and/or any other alterations.
It was possible for most adjustments to be done ad-hoc owing to the in house lab services rendered by Razas Dental Studios.
Final cementation of crowns and veneers were done after patient’s approval.
Please find herein a summary of her Before and After display.
Before & After
Before : Patient complaints of dark brown color of previously root canal treated teeth and yellow-stained dentition. Teeth were quite square and somewhat flat, and were not straight.
1 month Post-Op Review : A bright, well-aligned smile offered by Porcelain Veneers and Porcelain fused to Zirconia crowns involving 8 upper teeth while maintaining healthy gums and surrounding tissue.